Political pressures on citizens – Roma as “easy targets”

Party officials and activists often use illegal means to influence the electoral will of members of socially disadvantaged and minority groups.

The poorest citizens are often exposed to political pressure as "easy targets". Compared to the general population, the rate of employment and education among Roma is significantly lower, and housing conditions are much worse. Combined with prejudice and marginalization, these facts make the Roma population very susceptible to pressure and manipulation by political actors.

Pressures on Roma sometimes also come from minority parties. Pressure is often exerted by persons who are Roma themselves. Either as party activists or party collaborators, i.e. Roma party trustees, or as coordinators for Roma issues, members of Roma organizations or members of the National Council, Roma are often the ones who directly exert pressure on their compatriots or play an important role in various forms of electoral corruption. covered Roma population.

The pressure exerted on Roma through the service system is testified by a member of a Roma organization, who gained authority in the Roma community through many years of work in the civil sector. As a member of the Roma organization, he functions as a link between the party and the Roma community, with the task of obtaining as many Roma votes as possible. He presents himself as someone who can do crucial things for the Roma community, such as employment, local actions, solving infrastructure problems, scholarships for children, education of young people, etc. He says that he would be cooperative with any party that would be considerate of the Roma community and that would enable him to perform the aforementioned tasks.

Link: https://pritisci.crta.rs/pritisci-na-rome/?fbclid=IwAR2A9V-IZYaPwXCPYTafk3u5l_BtjDD1VoZBklgiKTZDbyFYk92B4lJEZ9U

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