Two Roma children died in the fire in Bačka Topola in Serbia

Two children died in the fire that broke out this morning in the family house in Stara Moravica near Backa Topola, the Subotica Police Department confirmed for H1.

Children aged one and three were killed. According to unofficial information, two children managed to escape from the house and save themselves from the fire, reports RTS.

By the way, the family had eight children, H1 learns.

The Subotica police department told us that the call was received shortly before 9:00 a.m., and the fire department arrived on the scene in three minutes.

The police investigation is ongoing, and police officers from the station in Backa Topola and the emergency aid from Subotica are on the spot.

The family and relatives who are in front of the house do not know what caused the fire.



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