"GYPSY" by Jelena Karleusha

The meaning of the word GYPSIES - To be a peasant, to be a fool, to play a fool - https://vukajlija.com/ciganisati-se

According to the ROMOVE it organization, they received a satisfactory response from this Serbian singer regarding their response to Jelena Karleuša's story where she used the word "GYPSY".

In mid-January 2023, we responded to Jelena Karleusha's story where she used the word "GYPSY" which has a pejorative meaning.

We didn't want to make the post public to avoid the media, but we wrote her and her team a letter of goodwill, the text of which you can read in the photos in the post.

Today, March 7, on the story of the official profile of Jelena Karleuša, although we were not mentioned, we believe that we received answers to our letter. We also got the reaction exactly as we expected.

Dear Jelena Karleusha

We welcome your public admission that you have repeatedly made mistakes about the Roma by using bad terminology and making unsavory jokes, as well as the fact that you point out the need to make society aware of the more subtle forms of racism, above all, the need to stop using words that have a pejorative meaning . You mentioned that activists are needed to fight discrimination and racism. Our group is one of hundreds of activist groups working to improve the position and image of Roma men and women in Serbia. So there we are, but we need allies - people like you, with influence, and we offer you the opportunity to put your words into action together.

We believe that your statement is very important because you are someone who has great power and influence on public opinion and you want to speak on behalf of the Roma.

We also join your call to other public figures, especially those of Roma origin, to contribute to the fight against any form of racism, which is a major problem in our society.


Link: https://romaworld.rs/ciganisanje-jelene-karleuse/

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