Organizers change the name of regular benefit for Ukraine in Czech city and apologize for having named it after controversial figure

The discotheque to benefit Ukraine that has been held at the Aréna club in Plzeň, Czech Republic under the controversial name "Bandera Party" has changed its name. That original name referenced the leader of Ukrainian nationalists from the WWII era, Stepan Bandera, and sparked agitation on social media.

The Czech Police began to investigate the matter and Mayor of Plzeň Roman Zarzycký (ANO) also objected to the name of the event. Now a post has appeared on Facebook apologizing and informing people that the name has been changed to Ukrainian Party, signed by the organizers of the event, who are not individually named.

“We apologize to everybody who has been hurt by the original name. We were not aware that the person of S. Bandera evokes such strong emotions for some in Czech society. We perceive him as a fighter for an independent and democratic Ukraine against the Stalinist Soviet dictatorship and as a prisoner who was arrested by the Gestapo. However, we cannot ignore his shadow side and the shocking deeds of some of his followers,” the post reads.



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