In the context of February 21 - International Mother Language Day - several important events and dates related to the Romani language.

On April 7, 1990, on IV. World Roma Congress, the decision was made on the "Roma Alphabet", which was proposed by the Commission for the Standardization of the Roma Language. That decision was signed by 17 Roma linguists and scientists, including Shaip Yusuf, Marcel Courtiade, Rajko Djuric, Ian Hancock, as well as a representative from UNESCO - Victor Koptikov.

In 1992, under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, a general conference was held on the state of the Romani language and its application in education. Then the basic principles of the codification of the Romani language were adopted.

In 1998, the first Roma-Macedonian and Macedonian-Roma dictionary by the authors Trajko Petrovski and Bone Velichkovski was published.

In 2015, UNESCO declared November 5 the International Day of the Romany Language.

On November 7, 2019, the Grammar of the Modern Romani Language by the authors Ljatif Demir, Fatime Demir and Nevsia Durmish was promoted.

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