Serbia, Belgrade: Burnt shacks in which Roma live, people claim that the fire was arson

The fire in the shacks on Ustanicka Street on February 19 around 6:00 p.m. forced the fate of several people on the street who sadly watched their houses burn, writes Blitz. The Blitz reporter spoke on the spot with one of the families who lost everything in a matter of seconds. - We barely escaped, my daughter is pregnant and we couldn't run. We just grabbed the documents, we will be without everything. Everything we had was gone. We were left alone on the street. Now we can sleep at the bus station with the children - a panicked woman tells "Blitz".

She adds that there is a suspicion that the fire was set for revenge.

- There are often conflicts here, the police intervene almost daily. I think this fire was set to harm someone. Another man told us that the fire "overtook" him while he was sleeping. Blitz writes that there were 11 barracks in this place, and at least 7 burned down. Fortunately, no one was injured. Six fire engines and an ambulance team came to the scene. The cause of the fire is still unknown.



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