This Saturday on the Romanian national television special show: "From the life of the Roma"

This Saturday, February 18, as part of the program "From the life of the Roma", we present to you material made in Bucharest, where the International Holocaust Remembrance Day was marked.

Also, in this edition, the leaders of the district organizations of the Roma Party from Prahova, Jalomica, Giurgiu and Dambovica have been invited to our set.

In the discussion moderated by Sorin Sandu, they will debate the situations faced by Roma communities at the moment, but also which strategies and action priorities are foreseen in the agenda of each branch for 2023.

Therefore, do not miss the next edition of "From the life of the Roma", Saturday morning, from 10:00, on National TV, and Sunday, starting at 16:30, on N24 Plus!

From Viața Romilor is broadcast on Saturdays, from 10:00 a.m., on National TV and on Sundays, from 4:30 p.m. on the N24 Plus channel, but also on our Facebook page and YouTube channel!



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