And the Roma community all over the world wants to show their solidarity with Turkey and Syria after the catastrophic earthquake

The natural disaster that occurred on Monday morning, February 6, 2023, in the southern part of Turkey as well as the northern part of Syria, did not leave anyone in the world indifferent. Every day, information arrives, videos of different human fates from those areas where the number of dead and injured is growing minute by minute and amounts to over ten thousand people. The world is on its feet and wants to help. For the most part, the human aspect awakens in all of us. And the Roma community all over the world also joins the humanitarian actions in some way. Announcements and information are sent through social networks that in some areas where the Roma community is, they organize humanitarian actions, which are then sent to Turkey and Syria.

Regardless of the social and economic status of those Roma, a large part of them join these actions.

At this moment, the most important thing is to awaken the humanitarian aspect and awareness. And that awareness seems to work for most.

It is important in these difficult moments, above all, to be human and to help the one who is having the hardest time. And that is to the people of Turkey and Syria,

Be humane regardless of nation, race and color. We are all human!

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