How Romot Reuf Seferović from Gorazde exposed the manipulation and "concern" of the majority for the few (Croatians)

Reuf Seferovic, a 28-year-old young man of Roma nationality, got a job in a utility company in Gorazde as part of the program of the Federal Employment Agency. Thus he became the first Roma to get a job in that city. Imagine, the news is that in the 21st century, the first member of a national minority established an employment relationship in the capital of the county in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Seferović, neither guilty nor obliged, became synonymous with the true status of the Roma, but also of all other national minorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, because of his work he became the main news in the media in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This shameful information about the "first employed Roma" comes precisely from the Bosansko-Podrinje county, which in recent months has been at the center of the political and media debate on electoral reforms. The paradox is in the fact that this discussion is focused on the rights of those who are in a special minority in this area, namely all those who are not Bosniaks.



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