European Roma are bracing for the worst winter in decades as many cannot afford to pay skyrocketing energy prices.
The rise of energy in Europe mostly affects the most vulnerable, and one of the most vulnerable are the approximately 12 million Roma, as many as there are on the continent (and maybe more). Higher entitlement bills are a disaster for anyone already living on a working livelihood.
European Roma are bracing for the worst winter in decades as many cannot afford to pay skyrocketing energy prices.
In Romania, as many as 2 million Roma earn up to 40 percent less than the average salary, said Alin Ban, national coordinator in the non-governmental organization there. Average utility bills are now roughly double that.
He stated that receiving financial support from the state this winter will be the only salvation for many Roma in the country.
In Serbia, there are also Roma families who sometimes illegally connect to the electricity network and often fall into debt by borrowing money from moneylenders to cover their utility costs. Such situations are noticeable among the rest of the Roma in other countries due to economic reasons