Any type of disability of a family member causes a great imbalance in the functioning of the family. The situation is much worse when it comes to the child's disability. Below is an interview with Veroslav Jovanović, father of a disabled child.
At one of those examinations, we received information from a representative of the Center for Social Work of GO Voždovac about the rights we can exercise for him as a child with serious illnesses and an uncertain outcome of the treatment.
After a few days, I went to the Center for Social Work and after talking with the social worker, I received detailed instructions on the methods and protocols that exist for realizing the rights of children with special needs and their families.
I filled out the forms for the committee that determined the degree of my son's disability and based on that decision from the committee, I acquired the right to someone else's care and assistance, the funds needed for further care and treatment were determined.
- What about children with special needs of Roma nationality whose parents do not have the opportunity to be informed about the educational opportunities of their seriously ill children?
- I think that very little work was done there, there were certain protocols, but very little work was done there, some kind of evening, special schools, teaching that took place in the premises of the building and workshops based on some projects with a very short duration. . As far as I know, some great effect and inclusion was not carried out according to the existing protocol, much to the regret of those children.