In the last 20 years there has been great turbulence in the political life of everyone, including the Roma of Serbia. Seven Roma parties are registered in Serbia, but only three are active: the Roma Party, the Democratic Union of Roma and the United Roma Party. But none of them have their own representative in the Parliament
The three representatives of the Roma minority in this composition of the Assembly are conditioned by party discipline and are practically invisible."
In contrast to the previous parliamentary elections, when the list of the ruling Serbian progressive party "Aleksandar Vucic - For our children" included two candidates for deputies of Roma nationality, now there are three. the romologist Dragoljub Ackovic for the second time and the opera artist Natasha Tasic Knezevic from Belgrade for the first time. Also in the parliament of Vojvodina is the deputy Jelena Jovanovic.
In the last 20 years of parliamentary life, there were representatives of the national Roma minority in the Assembly of the Republic of Serbia. Their actions did not bring any improvement in the lives of ordinary Roma. The disunity, which is characteristic of this minority due to its dispersion throughout the country, the way of living and other numerous factors, is an obstacle to the creation of a coherent party whose main goal would be to create conditions for equalizing the position of the Roma with all other inhabitants of Serbia. Is there a purpose for the Roma to participate in parliamentary life - we think there is, but by copying the examples of good practice of the national minorities who succeeded in animating their compatriots and through the supreme legislative body - the assembly, to fight for the adoption of regulations that systematically made life easier for minority communities.
Until then, the state, as before, will provide one-time aid to the Roma, on a spoonful. The conclusion is that the problem of inequality between the Roma and the majority population in Serbia is solved institutionally and systematically, and this can only be done in the Parliament.