Roma participants in the war in BiH: During the war we shared a piece of bread, today no one thinks of us

Bajro Beganović from Sarajevo was a member of the BiH Army during the war. Like his two sons. One still lives in Sarajevo and the other, Samir, died in 1993 as a member of the BiH Army:

- Today, the citizens of Sarajevo and their comrades-in-arms said goodbye to Igor Pavlović, son of Dragan, and Samir Beganović, son of Bajra - the announcement of the Information Service of the First Corps on the day of their burial. He was 20 years old:

- Samir Beganović was born on August 5, 1963. in Sarajevo and belongs to the constellation of brave people who stood on the defensive of the homeland, convinced that in this way will provide a happier future for their children, and he had two, their mother, and their children, all mothers… And Samir is a participant in several important battles, of which we would especially emphasize the one on Žuča, but also those when Igman defended himself, when those battles decided the fate of Sarajevo. He died on December 1, 1993. years, bravely as befits true defenders of freedom - it is stated in the announcement.

Nowhere in these lines and title, written almost 26 years ago, is it mentioned that Samir Beganović was a Roma. It didn't matter then. Today it is: it can be seen from newspaper headlines and texts, in which the opportunity of labeling and emphasizing belonging to the Roma people is rarely missed when something bad happens.



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