Italy: Coffin of Italian neo-Fascist is draped with the Nazi flag, causing a scandal

Czech news server reports that the late Ms Alessia Augello, an adherent of the neo-Fascist Forza Nuova party, was buried in Rome, Italy at the beginning of this week in a manner that caused enormous outrage when images surfaced of her coffin draped with a Nazi flag. The Catholic Church and the Jewish Community have condemned the incident, according to various media reports. 

Ms Augello, who was a Forza Nuova member, died last week of post-operative complications at the age of 44. Photographs and video began appearing on social media just after her funeral service showing her coffin outside a church and the red flag with a black and white Nazi swastika draped across it. 

In one of the videos, those attending the funeral can be seen standing outside the church, surrounding the coffin, and giving the Nazi salute. Church representatives say the coffin was not covered by a Nazi flag during the requiem mass.



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