Shenaj Osmanov - Roma Ombudsman of the IRU

The constitutionally and legally established concept of the IRU Ombudsman M-r Shenaj Osmanov to act as a single, independent and sovereign body throughout the territory of RS Macedonia, Western Balkans and the EU to establish new practices of continuous tour and talks with citizens.

The team of the IRU ombudsman will be set up with three departments: Analysis of court proceedings related to the protection of human rights, a department for the protection of the rights of women and children and the provision of free legal aid to persons from the vulnerable category.

The goals set by the IRU ombudsman in this way will in principle enable the citizens to act upon the complaints as well as the fast and efficient realization of the basic human rights.

The Department for Analysis of Court Procedures related to the protection of human rights will enable the procedures to be performed more professionally, more efficiently and continuously in order to meet the needs of the vulnerable category in the field of law.

The IRU ombudsman will continuously organize legal education for the socially vulnerable.

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