Violence in Brasil: 3rd victim of attack on Roma family in Camaçari

The third man shot during an attack in Camaçari, in the Metropolitan Region of Salvador, died at the health unit where he was hospitalized. Joel Alves, 45, was shot when he was with his father, Alcides Alves, and brother Nilson Alves, who died instantly.

The crime took place last Wednesday, the 12th. The three were relatives of a couple also killed in Dias D'Ávila, the day before, on Tuesday, the 11th. All of them were members of a gypsy community. The fact that the victims are from the same family may indicate that the murders are somehow connected.

According to information from the Civil Police, this Saturday, 15, witnesses to the crime are being heard. There is no information about the motivation and authorship of the crimes, which are investigated by the departments of Homicide and Protection of the Person (DHPP) and the Metropolitan Police (Depom).



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