Czech Republic: Miroslav Broz hoisted Czech flag modified with Roma symbol and therefore punished

The man who hoisted the Czech-Roma flag on his balcony last April must pay a fine of a thousand crowns(40 euros). The City of Ústí nad Labem imposed it on him for defaming the state symbol. The man hoisted the flag on the occasion of International Roma Day.

Miroslav Brož hoisted the flag last April and then shared her photo via Facebook. One of the users of this social network reported the publication of the photo to the municipality.

Because the report was filed against an unknown perpetrator, the Ústí nad Labem municipality asked for police cooperation and identification of the perpetrator.

According to the server, she invited Miroslav Brož to her, but then handed the case back to the Ústí nad Labem municipality. According to the published citation, the order that Brož received from the municipality states that Brož violated the Act on the Use of State Symbols of the Czech Republic.



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