What is the level of population growth in R.N. Macedonia? He has so far ranged from 8 to 10%

As the statistical operation of the Population Census approaches, after 19 years, the discussions about the population numbers in the country begin.

In the period from 1948 to 2002, six complete censuses were conducted in the country (1948, 1953, 1961, 1971, 1981 and 2002). Otherwise, there were three unsuccessful attempts to conduct this statistical operation (1991, 1994 and 2011).

According to the level of population growth so far, according to some arithmetic leveling, it ranged from 8 to 10% on average.

In 1948, the total population was 1,152,986, of which Macedonians - 789,648 (68.5%), Albanians - 197,389 (14.5%), Serbs - 29,721 (2.6%), Roma - 19,500 (1.7 %),

Montenegrins - 2,348, Croats - 2,090 and Muslims - 1,560

At the census in 1953 that level was Total - 1,304,514, Macedonian - 860,699 (66%), Albanian - 162,524 (12.5%), Serbs - 35,112 (2.7%), Roma - 20,462 (1.6 %),

Croats - 2,771, Montenegrins - 2,526 and Muslims - 1,591.

In 1961 Total - 1,406,003, Macedonians - 1,000,854 (71.2%), Albanians - 183,108 (13%), Serbs - 42,728 (3%), Roma - 20,606 (1.5%), Croats - 3,801, Montenegrins - 3,414, Muslims - 3,002,

Yugoslavs - 1,260 and Slovenes - 1,147.

At the next census in 1971, a total of 1,647,308, Macedonians - 1,142,375 (69.3%), Albanians - 279,871 (17%), Serbs - 46,465 (2.8%), Roma - 24,505 (1.5%) ), Croats - 3,882,

Yugoslavs - 3,652, Montenegrins - 3,246 and Muslims - 1,248. The next 1981

Total - 1,912,257, Macedonians - 1,281,195 (67%), Albanians - 377,726 (19.8%), Serbs - 44,613 (2.3%), Roma - 43,223 (2.3%), Muslims - 39,555 ( 2.2%) Yugoslavs - 14,240

Montenegrins - 3,940 and Croats - 3,349.

At the last 2002, in total - 2,040,929, Macedonians - 1,297,981 (64.18%), Albanians - 509,083 (25.17%), Turks - 77,959 (3.85%), Roma - 53,879 (2.66 %), Serbs - 35,939 (1.78%)

Bosniaks - 17,018 (0.84%) and Vlachs - 9,596 (0.48%).

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