How much money was collected in the Budget from the fines for not wearing a mask from the beginning of the decision?

At least 1,360,000 euros entered the state budget from fines paid by citizens for failing to protect a person. The Ministry of Interior has so far registered 136,227 violations on that basis. The fine for not wearing a mask is 20 euros, ie 10 euros if paid within eight days. This means that since the measure was introduced, the citizens have enriched the state budget by between 1,360,000 and 2,720,000 euros.

The citizens have a divided opinion on whether a mask should be worn outdoors, but also on the amount of fines.

However, during the pandemic, much more money flowed into the budget than fines for non-compliance with preventive measures, for example, grouping, non-compliance with isolation decisions, violation of curfew, etc. Exactly for non-compliance with the ban on movement, the Ministry of Interior registered 5,414 violations, for which the Prosecutor's Office and the courts then determine the amount of the fine, which can amount to over 1,000 euros. The amount that entered the budget on these grounds is not known..

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