The Roman king from Gradiшкаka died as a result of Corona, and was buried in Italy "He took care of everyone, helped and advised"

The Roma king and Roma judge Muharem Salkanovic, 65, died as a result of a coronation in the Italian city of Montebelluna, Venice region, which was buried last week. Salkanovi  had great authority in the Roma community in Europe and the world, he helped many, most of the poorer Roma, especially in his homeland. He recently donated 10,000 euros to build a fence for a Roma cemetery in Banja Luka. In Gradiska there was a huge fortune in real estate. He loved Gradiska, where his parents moved from Bosanski Petrovac, and there he invested 2.5 million euros in the last ten years. - Muharem was above all a benefactor. His word was highly respected in the Roma community. When it was difficult for someone, he helped and mediated. Muharrem had 12 daughters and sons, 65 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. He was buried with a large presence of carabinieri and police who took care of safety and health protocols. All prominent media in Italy provided information on the occasion of his death, stating that the Roma leader had died.



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