The expulsion of the Roma from Kosovo. Online event with Sani Rifati on January 16th

One of the most serious consequences of the Kosovo war to this day is the expulsion of almost all Roma from the region. After more than 600 years of culture, 150,000 Roma have been displaced and robbed of their property. The first to publicize the expulsion and flight of the Roma over 20 years ago was Sani Rifati.

Sani Rifati is President of Voice of Roma (USA) and has lived in the USA since 1993. First in Yugoslavia and finally in the USA he made a career as a drummer, singer, dancer and dance teacher and is committed to the preservation of traditional music, songs and dances of the Roma and has taught at numerous universities. He has also founded an NGO in Kosovo that supports Roma and campaigns against the deportation of Roma by Western European governments.



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