Croatia: It is easiest to devalue and denigrate Roma!

Present him a liar and a thief and you're done! We live in a region known for its bizarre educational methods. Ever since they were children, they have been brought up that if they are restless, "the Gypsy will come and take them", or "I will buy them old and buy them." It did not teach us the painful educational matrix that is implanted in these areas. And we are in the 21st century. In addition to numerous such examples, here is one recent one. As we all know, to make the cataclysmic feeling stronger, the area of ​​central Croatia was hit by a series of strong earthquakes before the new year. The earthquakes in the area of ​​Banija caused huge material damage. Many people were left homeless, others were injured, fear and panic swept through the towns of Petrinja and Sisak. The natural disaster that befell the people in the area prompted people from all over Croatia to help. Before the state system reacted in Petrinja and Sisak, there were volunteers who brought the living needs of the local population and helped them clean houses and properties. In the midst of this chaos, someone thought it appropriate to post information on social media that groups of Roma had come to the area and used the chaotic situation to rob unprotected homes of residents in the area. At the beginning of the proclamation it was emphasized that this is not about any nationalism. If there is no nationalism, it is unclear why anyone would label robbers as a national community. And that group of Roma were only 3-4 families who came to the region, pretending to be affected by the earthquake and took several humanitarian aid packages. Nothing more. And the Roma, who came in large numbers as volunteers to help clean up the rubble, were not told on FB. Why was there no Facebook post and articles for example that a huge number of resellers of fruits, vegetables, livestock and other crops from many parts of Croatia after the earthquake in Petrinje and Sisak immediately "occupied that region" with their trucks and take advantage of the chaos, yes they buy those cattle and those crops at bargain prices from the frightened and traumatized citizens of Petrinje and Sisak, and then sell them five or more times more expensive at the green markets in Zagreb and other larger cities throughout Croatia. Don't these "bloodsuckers" have a nationality? They also play and take advantage of the black human destinies. Marking crimes with a community name puts all members of that community in a position where they can easily become targets of retaliatory attacks. It will be nice when all those "small traders" with cattle, fruits and vegetables are published with name and surname, not just nationality. But an empty Balkan habit!



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