Roma in textbooks: Deleted, distorted, invented

In the Croatian education system, the history of the Roma community is almost non-existent, and even the tragic suffering of Roma under Ustasha rule is mentioned only by chance, instead of being one of the most important parts of history teaching for World War II. Therefore, in 2018, the German Erinnerung Foundation, Verantwortung und Zukunft (Memory, Responsibility and Future) and the Ivo Pilar Institute for Social Sciences published a handbook for teachers: Roma in World War II in the Independent State of Croatia, 1941-1945. In this context, It is interesting to refer to the large survey conducted jointly by the Georg-Eckert Institute (GEI), the Roma Education Fund (REF) and the Council of Europe (CoE) earlier this year, which analyzes the representation of Roma in the curriculum. and school textbooks currently used in schools across Europe. This gives us insight into the wider European (educational) policies and societies, not just the Croatian ones. The study of textbooks includes subjects from history, civics and geography from 22 European countries: Croatia, France, Germany, Hungary, Kosovo, Poland, Spain, Italy, Romania, Great Britain, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovakia, Austria, Belgium and Finland. The research showed that the representation of Roma is mostly limited in certain thematic contexts, and even in these cases there are insufficient, often stereotypical and sometimes completely incorrect representations. Some textbooks explicitly address the issues of "diversity", "interculturalism" or "multiculturalism" and human rights when referring to Roma communities or individuals and the obstacles they face in modern European societies. There are significant differences in all countries, both in scope and in the way Roma men and women are mentioned. The range ranges from the simple use of the word "Roma" in relation to one of the many ethnic groups in listing minorities, statistics or Holocaust victims, to specific dedications, to individual classes and, in exceptional cases, to complete classes or teaching units dedicated to The Roma. example, Austria, Hungary).



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