"Passport vaccine": We will not be able to travel without it

With the advent of the vaccine, things will change, but to what extent? And what will the "passport vaccine" mean? Mass vaccination is expected to ease border crossings and ultimately relax restrictions that have prevented people from moving around in a pandemic, but it will inevitably force citizens to choose to buy a ticket for freedom with a vaccine or to continue the agony of blocking and quarantining. The validity of so-called "digital health passports" or "vaccine passports", as many people call them, is problematic because it has not yet been officially confirmed that they will be considered a means of preventing the transmission of the virus across borders. While these passports, on the one hand, will serve to restore the freedom of movement of citizens who have been deprived of it in a pandemic, on the other hand, the question of ethics arises due to potential abuse of personal freedoms and privacy. Researchers who have addressed this issue illustrate the problem with a hypothetical situation: Imagine being asked to constantly disclose your health status to the public, whether it's coronavirus test results or vaccinations, so you can walk into a restaurant, church or public transport vehicle. Some people can certainly move freely, while those who, say, have not been infected with the virus but have not been vaccinated will have their freedom of movement curtailed. There is also the issue of sharing personal health data with third parties. An application that solves everything The CommonPass Digital Project can to some extent solve the problems that hinder the introduction of vaccine passports. The CommonPass app offers secure sharing of health data, and the Swiss non-profit organization created by CommonPass says the app aims to "enable digital tools for the public good."

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