BiH - Kakanj: Kazandzi craft is an art, and Roma artists barely survive

The Kazandzi craft is very old. Pasha Bajramovic is one of the last such Roma craftsmen in the Roma settlement in Kakanj, BiH. He says: “In my family this is a generational craft passed down from generation to generation. From my earliest childhood I got acquainted with the hammer and the pot-making craft. "My father, his grandfather and great-grandfather were great potters, I inherited their skill and knowledge from them and I continued with the tradition that is slowly dying out," says Pasha. This old craft is Pasha's basic livelihood and feeds his family. After several generations, Pasha says that he will probably be the last to do this craft. "Children are no longer interested in learning the craft of pottery, and there is no such direction in education either," said Pasha.
According to Pasha, the craft of making pottery is an art. He says that in 2009 the Association "Kazandziluk" Kakanj was formed, which organizes some of their handicrafts as exhibitions and fairs.
He also made the Old Bridge exhibit for those occasions. Pasha always exhibits that exhibit with pride. Besides this exhibit, Pasha also made the exhibit the Bridge of Mehmed Pasha Sokolovi во in Visegard (Drina Bridge) and Ibrik at a height of two meters. The craft of Kazandzi is an art and even bigger artists are the Roma nowadays who can hardly survive one day.

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