Nostradamus with incredible predictions for Macedonia - In 2026, a great war awaits the Macedonians!

The great French prophet Michel de Notre Dame, better known as Nostradamus, foretold many things that are believed to happen one day. He is believed to have predicted the going to the moon, the death of Henry II, the assassination of Kennedy, and here is what he predicted:
According to Nostradamus, the territory of Macedonia will play a key role in the new last "third world war", which will not happen if reason prevails, because "man's destiny is not in nature, but in his hands" and that only he, The "man" can prevent the great cataclysm and his self-destruction.
- A lighted lamp will be seen, at night, near Rona. Hunger and wars will come and help will be too late, when Persia is mobilized, to take over Macedonia.
The prophecies of the greatest visionary in the history of human civilization, Nostradamus, have excited the world for centuries. This doctor of medical sciences lived at a time when science was at its lowest level.
With his visionary power, penetrating deep into time and space, he foretold many events that shook him and will shake the world in the future!

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