Sinti in the former East Germany - DDR, published in the book "Everyday life of the Sinai

The direct consequence of the Nazi policy of extermination was that in East Germany, the DDR, there were only a few Sinti. Those who returned fought for recognition as victims of National Socialism. Sinti were "normal" citizens of the DDR, but they were not recognized as an ethnic minority. In their family groups they lived in a kind of parallel society. At interfaces, such as in schools and offices, many Sinti were exposed to social racism, as in the DDR - as in the Federal Republic of Germany - lived the old prejudices against the "Gypsies". This is the first publication on the topic of Sinti in DDR. It is based on Simone Trider's research in many archives and conversations with contemporary witnesses. Photos by Marcus Havlik-Abramovich. Fascinated by the Roma paintings of the Czech Jozef Kudelka, he obtained his diploma in photography in Leipzig in 1983 with a series of photographs entitled "Roma and Sinti in the DDR". In the DDR, however, the photographs were not displayed; only after Havlik left the country was it partially published in Stern; much of the photo series is published for the first time in this book.


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