Green Market stalls demolished, including Ghani Ghani's boutique that operated there for over 20 years

Two shops located near the Green Market in Skopje were demolished. Clothes were sold in the shops, and the sellers, who did not want to speak in front of the camera, complained that they were left on the street - without work and monthly income. So far, only one shop is left at this location.
The traffic that was "spared" from the demolition is the ticket office of the Public Transport Company. The municipality of Centar says that the shop has the necessary license. In addition to losing their jobs, the sellers themselves will have to pay the cost of demolishing the shops.
- They will pay for the demolition of the shops themselves, because we told them several times to remove them themselves, but they did not do that - say from the Municipality of Centar.
The Municipality of Centar says that the action is carried out at the request of the City of Skopje. Otherwise, for more than two decades, the facility that worked with textiles and was owned by the famous Roma businessman Gani Gani together with his family was functional for that area and that area was their basic existence.


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