The 22-year-old pregnant woman who died from Kovid is a Roma woman from the Dame Gruev neighborhood. She came to the Clinic three times, but refused to be hospitalized

The patient, who died at the age of 22, came to the Clinic on November 23 for the third time, after coming twice the night before and refusing to be hospitalized, and it was explained to her that she put herself and the baby at risk. infusion was signed and left.
GAK director Viktorija Jovanovska told the media: "When the morning came again, she already had a dead fetus and a very deteriorating condition and was immediately transferred to a shock room and delivered by caesarean section. She was 27 weeks and her first pregnancy, but she did not go for regular check-ups - said the director.
She refused to stay because she had to be hospitalized in the ward where Covid positive patients were treated, and she had a negative test, but the lab and symptoms suggested Covid. Those who are patients with symptoms are treated as suspicious and we put them in the covid part, but not in the positive ones but with the suspicious patients.
The patient who died had nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, which were not classic symptoms such as cough and fever. A PCR test was performed which showed that it is positive, but even if there is no test and if there is a clinical picture that shows suspicion, it would be treated as a suspicious case of Covid 19, this is the case in our country and everywhere in the world.
"The family was upset because they persuaded her to stay, we can not say that she had traces of domestic violence, but she was bleeding which could be an example of the same, but she refused to answer," said the director.
Unofficially, the 22-year-old deceased pregnant woman is a Roma woman from the settlement of Dame Gruev in Skopje.

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