Josef Horvath - a Roma as a resistance fighter

A biography from: “Just go! Disappeared Roma settlements in Burgenland ”by Herbert Brettl and Gerhard Baumgartner
Josef Horvath from Althodis / Stari Hodas is the only known resistance fighter from the ranks of the Burgenland Roma who fought for the liberation of Austria with gun in hand. His story is part of the newly published book “Einfach weg! - Disappeared Roma settlements in Burgenland ”. The publication was edited by Herbert Brettl, federal state coordinator in Burgenland for _erinnern.at_ and Gerhard Baumgartner, scientific director of the DÖW.
About the book
The book “Simply Away! Disappeared Roma settlements in Burgenland ”deals with a largely ignored chapter of Austrian history: the destruction of around 120 Roma settlements in Burgenland. The historical roots of the settlements, with a population between ten and 300 people, in numerous cases go back to the 18th century. The majority of them were destroyed by the National Socialists and their residents expelled, only a few came back.
For the first time, the history of the Roma settlements has now been systematically researched. The volume documents their history with over 400 historical image sources and documents. The volume also opens up opportunities to convey history for schools, for example in the sense of research-based learning.


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