Nine out of 10 people in poor countries will not get the vaccine against Covid - 19, because the West has bought almost all the doses

Nine out of 10 people in 70 low-income countries are unlikely to be vaccinated against covidium-19 next year as most of the most promising vaccines are purchased from Western countries, warned the People Vaccine alliance, which includes several international organizations such as Amnesty. international.
As the UK began vaccinating its population yesterday, People 's Vaccine said governments in rich countries were buying vaccines in large quantities, leaving poor countries at the mercy of the virus. "Rich countries with 14% of the world's population have provided 53% of the total amount of the most developed covidium-19 vaccines. Canada alone has ordered so many vaccines that it can vaccinate its population five times. "If something does not change drastically, billions of people will not receive the safe and effective vaccine against Covid-19."
Almost all of the Pfizer / Biontec vaccine will go to rich countries, after the West bought 96% of the doses, and the Moderna vaccine is also fully targeted at rich countries. Both vaccines are quite expensive and must be stored at ultra-low temperatures, making them less accessible to poor countries.
Oxford and AstraZeneka said 64% of their vaccine would go to developing countries, which was welcomed by the alliance, noting that one company was not enough to supply the whole world. "At best, they could reach up to 18% of the world's population next year," said the People Vaccine.

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