The new wave of the virus in Europe, the Roma are again most endangered

The number of infections in Roma communities is unknown, as they have not been tested and informed on how to act in case they are suspected of having a coronavirus, according to research by the Euractive network. Roma, Europe's largest ethnic community, experienced a shocking wave of institutional racism and discrimination across the EU during the spring lockdown, including allegations that they were spreading the virus. Despite the second wave of the coronavirus being less stigmatized, their social problems have not improved in the slightest.
In Italy, the second wave of the corona virus has hit Roma members hardest, increasing their social exclusion, said Carlo Stasola, president of the Associazione 21 Luglio, a non-profit organization that helps marginalized people and social groups. Stasola noted that the government has not changed its approach to the problems facing the Roma community between the two dams. Only small local initiatives have been adopted, mainly food distribution. There is no protection for those who have lost their jobs or incomes, nor health control in camps across Italy.


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