Social theater: That being one of the Three Thousand Homes stops being a stigma: Defending the roots and wings of the Polígono Sur of Seville

Alba Vergara is 15 years old and is one of the more than 40,000 inhabitants of the poorest neighborhood in Spain. A neighborhood that, in reality, is the sum of several neighborhoods: Las Ltanías, Murillo, Antonio Machado ... 144 hectares mostly occupied by public housing. That pain and sacrifice can be reborn and create something good, is precisely the spirit of this memory exercise. A  tribute that  the young people of the Polígono Sur de Sevilla  have wanted to pay to their elders  to recognize their sacrifice and their struggle in this half century of neighborhood history. They have listened to their stories and made them their own with the perspective that the years give. It is the project that unites those who have lived in the neighborhood for decades with the new generations . “This is a project that asks you questions and that is always a path to learning. Look inside to be able to look outside ”, says Sonia Carmona, who is the director of this project. For this reason, because  to understand in life, many times you have to go back to the past  and find answers, these young people take the witness of the testimony of their elders and give it back to us full of life and, most importantly, of hope.


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