R.N. Macedonia wants to chair the OSCE in 2023, the candidacy on the agenda of the ministerial meeting

Northern Macedonia wants to chair the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe - OSCE in 2023, and its candidacy will be considered at a ministerial meeting of this organization, which is being held today and tomorrow in Tirana, Albania, which holds the chairmanship this year. The candidacy was submitted on the proposal of the Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and with a decision of the Government. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bujar Osmani, announced in November that he had informed the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, in a letter, which would formally put our candidacy on the agenda of this December OSCE meeting.
The country marked 25 years of OSCE membership this year and this is the first candidacy to chair the organization. At the annual OSCE Ministerial Council in Tirana, member states are expected to reach an agreement on the selection of several key positions in this largest regional security organization.

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