MEP caught in "gay orgies" is from the party of Prime Minister Victor Orban - FIDES

MEP Josef Sayer admitted he was at a "private party" and that his "mistake" was "strictly personal". "I ask everyone not to cover my homeland or my political community with this," he added. Sayer resigned from the ruling Fidesz party in Hungary and from the position of MEP.
The public prosecutor's office said that a passer-by reported to the police that he saw a man running after the gutter. "The man's hands were bloody. He may have been injured during the escape. "Narcotics were found in his backpack," the public prosecutor's office said in a statement. "The man did not submit documents with personal data. He was escorted to his place of residence, where he was identified by a diplomatic passport as S.J. (1961) “.
Everyone present at the party was fined for violating the measures. The Public Prosecutor's Office in Brussels was informed about the incident and decided to release the participants without additional charges. Sayer said in a statement that police had given him an "official verbal warning" and sent him home. He said he had not been drugged and added that he was "sorry" and "deeply regretted" for violating coronavirus regulations. "It was irresponsible of me. "I am ready for the sentence that will be imposed on me," he said. Sayer and several diplomats were caught by police during an "orgy" at a bar in central Brussels, and local media reported that the lawmaker had tried to escape through a window. Rallies of more than four people have been banned in Belgium and curfews have been imposed in a bid to curb the spread of covid-19.
Who is Sayer?
Sayer is one of the closest associates of Hungarian Prime Minister Orban. He was a member of the council that drafted the new constitution from 2012, which called for the protection of "Christian values" and the definition of marriage as a union of a man and a woman. In the late 1990s he studied at Oxford as a fellow of George Soros's organizations, who are now accused, together with Orban, of undermining the traditional values of Hungarian society.

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