Coronavirus vaccination in the EU - from January

EU launches test of Biontec / Pfizer and Modern vaccines. The decision to grant a permit is announced for the end of December, ie the beginning of January. Vaccination in Europe could start after the New Year. Requests for a "conditional permit" for the use of the first two Covid-19 vaccines in the EU from the German-American companies Biontek and Pfizer and the American manufacturer Moderna have already arrived at the European Medicines Agency, EMA in Amsterdam. A decision will be made on December 29 for the US vaccine - on January 14. If all goes according to plan, the first vaccinations with the Biontec immunizer could start in the EU from the beginning of January. The manufacturer, meanwhile, is checking to see if the vaccine stays stable even at lower temperatures. In addition, the preparation can be stored in medical refrigerators in vaccination centers, from where it can be delivered directly to family doctors, who in turn would arrange their patients according to a precise schedule, so the preparation will be used during the day.

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