Romani actor to appear in latest installment of antigypsyist Czech film series made by former 'special school' teacher

The actor and Romani community member Zdeněk Godla has signed a contract to play the main character in the continuation of the "Bastards" (Bastardi) film series directed by Tomáš Magnusek. The infamous series tells stories in which bad Romani characters cause white people to suffer. 
In the previous installments of "Bastards", characters who are Romani children are depicted as criminals who victimize characters who are white children. A schoolteacher addresses the behavior of "the bad guys" by committing violence against them - specifically, murder, which is of course performed out of a sense of helplessness in the very primitively-conceived script.
This fourth instalment of "Bastards" will be, according to the producers, most like the first film in the series from 2010 and also promises to be more of a comedy, although the predominant type of humor, they say, will be "more on the rough side, even sarcastic". The central duo will be played by Godla and Magnusek himself. 
"I'm very glad Zdeněk has agreed to do the role. In the mini-series 'School of My Life' [Škola mého života] that we produced I confirmed that he comes prepared and is fair and attentive," Magnusek told the Czech daily


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