Bulgaria: Roma activists initiating the erection of a monument to the famous Bulgarian heart surgeon prof. Dr. Alexander Chirkov

On November 24, 2020, the famous Bulgarian heart surgeon prof. Dr. Alexander Chirkov was found dead by his friend in the hotel room in Varna where he lived, the media reported that the professor was not ill with covidium.
The famous heart surgeon performed the first heart transplant in Bulgaria back in 1986.
His biography also includes the fact that he specialized with the famous heart surgeon, Professor Bichler in West Berlin in 1966, and was a doctor at the University Hospital there, and then transferred to West Germany - to the University of Frankfurt am Main and the University of Freiburg. where he has been a professor since 1981.
In 1984 he returned to Bulgaria, invited by Academician Atanas Maleev, Rector of the Medical Academy and Deputy Minister of Health. He was the founder and director of the St. Catherine Hospital in Sofia for many years.
On that occasion, as a sign of gratitude, Roma activists will propose the construction of a monument to prof. Chirkov in Lom. The initiative was posted on Facebook by people from Lom. In a special address to the municipality and the mayor of Lom, the Roma will ask for an extension of the eternity of medicine, and the great prof. Dr. Alexander Chirkov.

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