The Assembly adopted the Law on Prevention and Protection against Discrimination. The purpose of this law is to ensure the principle of equality and prevention and protection against discrimination in the exercise of human rights and freedoms.
"The general provisions of this law provide for the prevention and prohibition of discrimination, forms and types of discrimination, procedures for protection against discrimination, as well as the composition and work of the Commission for Prevention and Protection against Discrimination" (Article 1). This Law applies to all state bodies, bodies of local self-government units, legal entities with public authorizations and all other legal and natural persons in the field of: work and labor relations; education, science and sports; social security, including in the field of social protection, pension and disability insurance, health insurance and health care; judiciary and administration; housing; public information and media; access to goods and services; membership and activity in political parties, associations, foundations, trade unions or other membership-based organizations; culture; and all other areas.
The Law prohibits any discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin or ethnicity, sex, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marginalized group, language, nationality, social origin, education, religion or belief; political belief, other belief, disability, age, marital or marital status, property status, health status, personal status and social status or any other basis (Article 5). The second chapter of the Law refers to the forms and types of discrimination, specifying the provisions related to direct and indirect discrimination, invoking, inciting and instructing for discrimination, harassment, victimization, segregation and more severe forms of discrimination (Article 8.9, 10). 11,12 and 13).