Where did the money from the funds intended for the Roma go?

When marking Human Rights Day - December 10, it is time to point out what has been achieved in this field, about everything that has been done so far and what is the challenge facing countries and society. These are problems that have been unresolved for many years for the Roma who live in those countries and are in front of everyone, but do not live with them.
It is necessary to change the overall picture for those people who face difficult living conditions, lack of water, electricity, food. Huge funds arrive for these situations, mostly from EU funds. They arrived but the question is how realistically it was implemented exactly by those who need it the most. Administrative procedures take up a lot of those funds, and the Roma themselves are not sufficiently trained to implement those projects on their own.
And that is why the smallest part of the funds reaches those who need it the most, and it is necessary for that moment to change, say the experts on these conditions. As long as this is the case, the picture on the ground will remain unchanged.

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