The association "Esma Redzepova and Stevo Teodosievski" demands a meeting with Prime Minister Zaev: The state has not taken care of the "Museum of Esma and Stevo Teodosievski" for four years.

The association "Esma Redzepova and Stevo Teodosievski", an association that nurtures and promotes the character and work of these famous artists, as well as all members of the ensemble Teodosievski, recently made a decision to collect civil signatures that will require a meeting with Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, for to express their dissatisfaction because the house has been looted and abandoned.
The association will also demand responsibility because the state has not taken care of, as they say, the "Museum of Esma and Stevo Teodosievski" for four years. According to them, the Ministry of Culture is the only testamentary heir obliged to give an explanation. - Since the dispute is still unresolved, we will seek an answer from the Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia. We inform all admirers of the character and work of Esma and Stevo Teodosievski that they will be additionally informed about the day we will set up a stand in the city center where everyone can give their support, with their signature.
- It has been 4 years since Esma's death, and the state has not shown any interest in the house of my mentors and parents Esma and Stevo, - says Simeon Atanasov.
No artist like Esma and Stevo left his property to the state that he acquired during his career. Therefore, the authorities must not allow that building to be demolished, adds Simeon Atanasov

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