Belgrade: Couple beaten on bus convinced they were attacked just because they are Roma

At the beginning of October, two Roma were beaten in a bus on the road to Batajnica. The girl who witnessed the event is convinced that the couple survived the torture only because they are from the Roma community. The epilogue is not known yet, because the Ministry of Interior has no answer for this case.
Instead of a birthday party on October 1 for Velibor Trajkovic and his wife Halisa, it turned into hell. At the end of the working day at the market, by bus number 706 they left for Batajnica where they live.
"In an attempt to find a vacancy, they were prevented in the most brutal way. "I asked him if I could sit down, he immediately attacked me with his fists. Then my husband wanted to stop him in his attack. "Then he turned to him and started punching and kicking him," said Harisa Trajkovic.
All passengers were witnesses, but only Milica Marianovi. Stood in their protection.
Quite by accident, they noticed the police officers who were at a bus station. When they got off the bus, the assailant changed his statement, saying that he had been attacked because they had tried to rob him.
"Then Milica addressed the police with the words: 'Let's see how much money this man has?', And when they took out his backpack it was obvious that he had no money," said Halisa.
The assailant was released with the explanation that he had nothing illegal in his possession and received only an oral assurance that charges would be filed, without the opportunity to personally report the incident to the police station.
This incident otherwise has elements of hatred and the institutions need to react, say the organization A11.


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