The realization in the field of visibility within the project has started - Respect for the rights of the prisoners from the ethnic communities through the prism of the Roma community

The Roma Business Information Center in Macedonia (ZRDICM) has continued the next phase of the project "Respect for the rights of prisoners from ethnic communities through the prism of the Roma community".


She predicts visibility and the goal of this project. Interviews with former Roma convicts have been conducted, as well as conversations with some people who through their associations and associations are fighting for the protection of human rights with a target Roma community.


The aim of the project is to detect problems in Macedonian penitentiary institutions as well as the perception of bribery and corruption.

In their own statements, some of the convicts - Roma emphasize that moment that the Macedonian prisons are present that moment.


Also on that topic, Shenaj Osmanov - Director of the Association for Protection of Human Rights of Roma Roma from Stip gave his explanation and remarks.

He states that there are cases of bribery and corruption in prison institutions and that this is claimed by the former convicts themselves, who state it in their statements.


This means that they themselves, personally or indirectly (witnessed) those phenomena.

Within that framework, a film document is being prepared on the very topic where there will be more interlocutors with their statements, examples, as well as taking adequate steps.


This is also seen in the Questionnaire which aims to obtain information on the level of recognition of problems by convicts, including members of smaller ethnic communities in the Idrizovo Penitentiary, Skopje Prison Penitentiary and Stip Penitentiary, on 20 respondents. from each prison individually.


From the obtained results from the questionnaire, a report will be made that will reflect the real situation in Idrizovo Penitentiary, Skopje Penitentiary and Stip Penitentiary, and special emphasis will be placed on convicted persons belonging to the smaller ethnic communities in the country.


Depending on the results of the processing of the questionnaires, clear recommendations will be given in order to improve the position and treatment of prisoners, as well as to improve the conditions in which they serve their prison sentences.


Recommendations are expected to contribute to equal treatment of all prisoners, regardless of ethnicity.

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