Movie “Shanghai Gypsy”

The main protagonists in this love story are members of the gypsy family Mirga. The central character of the film is Lutvija Belmondo Mirga, a gypsy king, who decided to establish his own gypsy village – Shanghai.


Belmondo makes a living on smuggling and his power and influence grow immensely. With the downfall of Yugoslavia, Belmondo switches from smuggling goods to smuggling weapons. Though lucrative, the business starts to threaten Belmondo’s personal life and he finds himself at the crossroads.


Shanghai Gypsy (Slovene: Šanghaj) is a 2012 Slovenian drama film directed by Marko Nabersnik.

The roles are interpreted : Visar Vishka - Lutvija Belmondo Mirga, Aslı Bayram – Amanda, Senad Bašić - Ujas Mirga, Marjuta Slamic - Phirav Pao, Jasna Diklić - Baka Rajka, Miodrag Trifunov - Deda Jorga

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