Roma from the Middle East and the coronavirus crisis

We have already reported a lot on the situation of Roma in the crisis in Corona in Europe. But even outside our small continent, the Roma are hard hit. The home is Roma in the Middle East.


They are the most tragic social group in the countries where they have lived for centuries. It is estimated that about 3-5 million domes live in the Middle East. They were and are systematically discriminated against, excluded from the public sphere and marginalized.


In addition to their already precarious living conditions, they have experienced violence, flight and displacement through the wars in Syria and Iraq. So many Syrian cathedrals have fled to Turkey.


Similar to the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s, Dom remained out of wars and conflicts and remained neutral. It quickly makes them a target. They had to leave their homes, cross borders and try to survive in makeshift houses, barracks and tents.


They try to feed their children by collecting valuable materials and working as seasonal workers and day laborers. Hoping to find work, many returned to nomadism.



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