Macedonia: The government will decide today on the curfew for the May Day holidays

The Commission for the Protection of Infectious Diseases has handed over a curfew similar to that of the Easter holidays for the May Day holidays. This means that the proposal that will be considered today at a government session is for the police hour to start in the evening on Thursday to Monday morning, said today the Minister of Health Venko Filipce.


He stressed that it is still too early to relax and that other proposals will be considered at the session and during tomorrow it will be known when the restrictions will start so that the citizens can plan.


"In the meantime, I have seen reactions from Minister Chulev, I think it should not be about any personal opinion or tendency, because all these opinions are based on the expertise of the Commission on Infectious Diseases.


This is how we have worked so far, based on the number of patients we can expect from restrictive measures, there is medical endurance for what we recommend. Of course, the citizens do not want to sit at home, who would like to sit at home for three days in prison, but there is a reason why it is so proposed, "said Filipce.

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