EU-Western Balkans Summit to be held as a video conference on 6 May


EU-Western Balkans Summit, originally scheduled for 6-7 May in Zagreb, Croatia, will instead be held as a video conference on 6 May, President of the European Council Charles Michel confirmed yesterday in his conclusions following the meeting between EU leaders.

According to unofficial information received by EWB, the efforts to enable virtual press participation are also ongoing.


Western Balkans Summit in Zagreb had been planned as one of the main events of the Croatian Council Presidency, aimed at gathering the leaders of the EU and the region for the first time since Sofia Summit in May 2018. It was postponed earlier this month due to COVID-19 pandemic.


The Summit is supposed to be the event to kick off regular meetings between the Western Balkans and the Union that will take place at least once a year.


During yesterday’s meeting, EU leaders endorsed the agreement on three important safety nets for workers, businesses and sovereigns amidst the COVID-19 crisis, amounting to a package worth 540 billion euros. It will become operational by 1 June 2020.



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