Dr. Kon: "I would personally receive the vaccine after the third stage of the examination, but not to be given on the day"

"I would personally receive a vaccine after the third stage of testing," said epidemiologist Predrag Kon, who said vaccination was not necessary for children in this case.


- There are stages of testing for each vaccine and it is a very thorough preparation. No vaccine should be given without safety. When all the stages of the clinical trial are over, we can talk. "After the initial application, when it is applied to a larger sample, it is monitored to see if there is anything suspicious."


The epidemiologist noted that it is difficult for the majority of the population to accept it without testing and stages of vaccine preparation.


For example, I would agree to receive it, but after the third phase of the examination. - said the expert


Also, as the doctor said, vaccination will not be mandatory for children.

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