Romania: Romanian police officers harass and beat Roma in Bolintin

Some time ago, a video appeared on social networks, showing Romanian special forces entering the courtyards of Bolintin, and on the roughest side they were harassing and beating Roma-men.

The Roma lay on the zenith, with their hands behind their backs and beaten. The incident started with a group of men arguing in front of the court and then it all turned into police revenge.


Police were armed, but there were others in special uniforms, such as police officers in civilian clothes.

Law enforcement officials surrounded several men lying on the ground, face down, with their hands behind their backs. None of the callers and the bedridden are moving, but at least one of them is hit and screaming in pain. "You were filming live ..." the policeman shouted at them. "If you had stayed at home, it would have been better if you had ...", the policeman is heard shouting and at the same time there are blows and cries of one of the lying Roma.


What preceded this harassment is still unclear, but it is certain that if there had been a crime, they would not have been tortured and beaten in their village, but would have been detained and taken away.

Apparently the intervention was of a different nature.

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