German aid workers in the Balkans during COVID 19

The German organizations Help and ASB are helping the countries of the Western Balkans to fight the coronavirus pandemic. They have donated 200,000 euros to the region and are concentrating in small and vulnerable areas.


"We have activated the emergency program and immediately checked what is missing in the health care facility and the smaller hospitals in the region. Protected medical equipment is most lacking, "Help said.


The emphasis of the drone is on the smaller things: Disinfectants, gloves, goggles, masks, lack of thermometers, etc.


But the needs are not the same everywhere: in the Roma community, for example, there is a shortage of water and that is a big problem. Everyone says wash your hands, but if there is no water, you can't wash your hands.


In Southeast Europe, most of the victims are Roma and migrants say the organization. That's why Roma families in Montenegro are being helped with hygiene kits.



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